What do you believe is the greatest battle facing the sports industry? What is your vision of the future of sport management?

For this assignment, students are required to construct a basic annotated bibliography for the topic of their research paper on The Effectiveness of Strategic Management in the Sports Industry. Your research paper is a review of the entire sports industry; showing how strategic leadership and planning are major determinants of industry effectiveness. This research paper is considered your final for this course, due at the end of the term. Your research paper is broken down into multiple parts due throughout this semester. You are 1st required to provide your Annotated Bibliography.

A total of 10 different articles/sources/scholarly journals are required to be annotated (summarized). No less than 6 sentences per annotation. Citation must be included with each annotation. These resources may also be used as supporting documentation for the research paper.

Use the topics below to guide your search for ARTICLES to annotate (you are NOT answering these questions for the Annotated Bibliography). Your final research paper submitted in May should clearly answer each of the questions or address each of the statements provided in the bullets below:

1. What is Sport Management? What Does It Take to Be a Successful Manager? How does management and leadership differ?

2. Conceptualize how to conduct sport business in a global environment. Ethical considerations, internal vs. external environment?

3. What does social responsibility and sustainability look like in the sport industry?

4. Describe the relationship between management and an organization’s mission, resources, systems process, and structure.

5. Explain how management functions, decision making, and problem solving relate and why these are important to sport organizations?

6. Why is a competitive advantage important to sport organizations? How does an organization obtain a competitive advantage? Explain why organizations analyze industries and competitive situations.

7. Discuss marketing functions by critically reviewing the marketing concept of sport in terms of sport production, the sport product, and the selling of sport.

8. Discuss the five types of forces for change: environmental, economic, social, demographic, and technological; and how they apply to the sport industry.

9. Discuss one specific Change Model and discuss how organizational culture impacts leading change efforts.

10. Critically analyze the relationship between sports and politics. How can sport managers reduce the negative connotations of politics in the workplace and use political behavior to build solid coalitions?

11. Discuss motivation and reinforcement theory as they relate to the sports industry.

12. What is financial management and how does financial management differ in the sport industry as compared to other industries?

13. What do you believe is the greatest battle facing the sports industry? What is your vision of the future of sport management?

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