What are the four 4 general types of research in criminology and criminal justice?

What are the four 4 general types of research in criminology and criminal justice?
Langley – week 1
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Shellie Langley posted Feb 6, 2024 6:55 PM
Criminology is the academic discipline that focuses on the analysis of criminal behavior and the research of crimes. Therefore, the examination of how crime is changing is highly pertinent to the area of criminology, particularly in relation to societal and environmental transformations. The nature of crime is continuously altering.Nowadays, a singular perspective on crime is inadequate.There are two prevalent theories about the nature of crime: the social construct theory and the theory of individual criminality.
Furthermore, the nature of criminology revolves around its dynamics, which refers to the ever-changing character of crimes influenced by the social and communal aspects of people’s lives.
An example of a crime that undergoes a transformation in nature and impact is cybercrime. Cybercrime, involves the use of a computer to facilitate illegal activities, such as fraud, child pornography and intellectual property trafficking, identity theft, or privacy violations. In the present day, our society is adjusting and shaping itself to align with the advancements in technology and computer usage. This is done to enhance productivity, improve living conditions, and facilitate daily tasks. However, this progress has also led to a transformation in the nature of crimes, as criminals have started utilizing technology to carry out illegal activities. Consequently, criminologists must conduct further research and implement necessary changes to effectively combat and resolve this issue of criminal behavior. This is crucial for the sake of peace and the future development of our society.
Criminological research refers to scientific studies conducted to investigate various aspects of criminality, including its causes and behaviors. It aims to elucidate why certain individuals are more prone to committing crimes, why some individuals persist in criminal behavior while others desist, and the potential impact of factors such as strong familial bonds, severe punishment, or other variables on crime rates.
The impact of criminological research on social policy is highly significant and indispensable. Criminological research serves the purpose of benefiting the community by addressing the prevalence of crimes and understanding the motivations behind criminal behavior.

Consequently, the effect of criminological research on social policy is crucial as it enables us to comprehend why certain individuals are more prone to committing crimes, why some individuals desist while others persist, and the potential impact of factors such as strong family units, severe punishments, or other variables on crime rates. This knowledge allows for the optimization and wider adoption of social policies, as both criminological research and social policy share the common objectives of safeguarding lives and property and fostering peace and development within the community.
Barlow, H. D., & Kauzlarich, D. (2010). Explaining crime: A primer in criminological theory. Rowman & Littlefield.
FBI. (2016, May 3). Cyber crime. FBI. https://www.fbi.gov/investigate/cyber
Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). Criminology definition & meaning. Merriam-Webster. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/criminology

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