What are some major security considerations that are not present in the design but should be incorporated?

Amazon (Well-Architected Frameworks)
Microsoft Azure
Google (Solutions)
Above are the written architectures and guidance from the three major cloud providers (Google, Microsoft, and Amazon)
Questions for the paper
The above links provide many different architectural patterns for Azure, Google (Solutions), and Amazon (Well-Architected Frameworks).

Pick two from either of the three websites (the two must not be from the same cloud provider) and answer the following along with references to the architecture in question along with an image of it in your post.
Why is this architecture interesting or unique to you and what benefits do you see out of it?
What are some major security considerations that are not present in the design but should be incorporated?
If you were an attacker, how would you try to break into this system?
What are the pro/con’s to utilizing provider functionality versus agnostic solutions (IaaS versus PaaS/SaaS)
What are the differences you see generally between the provider’s offerings?
In the solution that you picked, are there PaaS and SaaS solutions involved in the design and if so, how portable would this be to another cloud provider that didn’t have this same offering?
This should be 4 pages Times New Roman double spaced.

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