Describe your prior exposure to theory as it pertains to the study of religion.

part 1

Describe your prior exposure to theory as it pertains to the study of religion.

part 2

What is “religious” about traditional African religion?


In examining the question “What is ‘religious’ about traditional African religion?” from the perspective of a scholar, it becomes evident that traditional African religion encompasses profound religious dimensions deeply rooted in the spiritual beliefs and practices of African communities. This viewpoint is supported by the article “Religious Concepts in West African Cosmogonies: A Problem of Interpretation” by Emefie Ikenga-Metuh and “Anthropology of Religion” by Fiona Bowie. Furthermore, this scholarly perspective highlights the necessity of moving beyond a reductionist understanding of traditional African religion and acknowledging its dynamic nature, which allows for ongoing interpretations, adaptations, and expressions of religious beliefs within African communities.
Traditional African religion exhibits its religious nature through various aspects. West African cosmogonies, as explored by Ikenga-Metuh, play a central role in understanding the religious framework of African traditional religion. These cosmogonies encompass narratives that elucidate the origin and organization of the universe, emphasizing the presence of deities, ancestral beings, and supernatural forces within the African cosmological worldview. These elements indicate the deeply religious foundation upon which African traditional religion is built (Ikenga-Metuh 13).
Moreover, Bowie’s article underscores the need to recognize and appreciate the religious significance of African traditional practices. It emphasizes that African cosmogonies should not be reduced to mere myths or folklore but acknowledged as sacred narratives conveying profound spiritual truths (Bowie 872). This perspective calls for an approach that respects and engages with African religious concepts on their terms, recognizing the interconnectedness of spirituality with various aspects of life.
From my perspective as a student-scholar, the religious nature of traditional African religion is evident in the holistic understanding of the world and the spiritual significance attached to cosmogonies, rituals, and communal traditions. Spirituality is deeply ingrained in the African worldview, permeating all aspects of life and emphasizing the interconnectedness between the material and the spiritual realms. This interconnectedness is often reflected in the moral dimensions of African spirituality, highlighting the ethical responsibilities and relationships between deities, ancestors, humans, and the natural world.
To fully grasp the religious dimensions of traditional African religion, adopting an approach that goes beyond Western analytical frameworks and embraces indigenous epistemologies and perspectives is essential. Doing so can give us a more comprehensive and nuanced understanding of the religious richness embedded in African cosmogonies, rituals, and communal practices.
In conclusion, traditional African religion is undeniably “religious” in nature, ” with spirituality as its core foundation. The religious dimensions are evident in the cosmogonies, rituals, and worldviews, emphasizing the interconnectedness of the spiritual and material realms. Recognizing and appreciating the religious significance of African traditional religion necessitates an approach that respects indigenous perspectives and acknowledges the sacred narratives, moral teachings, and ethical responsibilities embedded within this vibrant religious tradition.
Works Cited
Bowie, Fiona. “Anthropology of Religion.” Religion Compass, 2(5), 862-874, July 2008, pp.
862-874. Research Gate,
Accessed 5 July 2023.
Ikenga-Metuh, Emefie. “Religious Concepts in West African Cosmogonies: A Problem of
Interpretation.” Journal of Religion in Africa, vol. 13, no. 1, 1982, pp. 11–24. JSTOR, Accessed 5 July 2023.
— Melody Sowden, HIST588 B001 Summer 2023

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