Identify 1-2 methods as suggested in the text that Sarah might use to create needed change in her relations with her employees.

Please review the case study below and develop your paper based on the questions. Your paper must address both questions. Please remember that your paper must demonstrate application of theory/concepts from the textbook for full credit.
Sarah has just been promoted to the position of program manager within her agency, Southside Community Services. Sarah began working at the agency 6 years ago as a case manager. Last year, when she completed her masters’ degree, she informed her Director that she was very interested in applying for a position as a manager and finally, her dream has come true!
Sarah is the manager of five case managers in the comprehensive family case management program. Sarah knew her employees slightly from passing by them in the halls but really did not know much about their personalities or work ethic. She knows that they have worked together for almost 10 years and they are a very cohesive group that frequently eats lunch together. Sarah initially tried to initiate a positive beginning by having a staff meeting and paying for lunch for everyone but the meeting seemed to focus more on the five case managers talking amongst each other and ignoring Sarah’s own agenda which was changes to occur in the program. Sarah decided to give up on the idea of being friendly and instead just work to be the “boss.”
Sarah believes in a very structured work style and that there is a “best” way to be a good case manager and help families. Sarah decided to share her ideals with the case managers through an e-mail and advised them to begin to follow her procedures and methods if they wanted to be successful on the team. Sarah also decided to begin requiring her case managers to send her weekly reports on their visits, to allow her access to their daily calendars and to schedule “random” days in which she would accompany them on their home visits.
After one month of this new protocol, Sarah was visited in her office by one of her case managers, Myra. Myra brought in a letter signed by all of the case managers expressing to Sarah that they did not appreciate being “micromanaged” and felt that they were all experienced enough to manage their cases as they always have in the past. Sarah was very surprised to receive the letter and asked Myra why she was the one bringing it.

Myra informed that many of the case managers were coming to her and reporting their dislike for the new protocol and plans to quit if things did not change.
Sarah took the letter and informed Myra that she would think about what was written. Initially, Sarah was very angry and felt a bit betrayed that her staff was talking behind her back and going to Myra instead of her with their problems. She also worried that if her Director found out about this, she would be replaced by a manager who could get along better with the staff. Sarah knows she needs to do something but cannot figure out what went wrong!
Essay Content:
Using knowledge from the text regarding organizational structure, leadership styles, power/authority and communication, describe and assess the current situation in Sarah’s program.
Identify 1-2 methods as suggested in the text that Sarah might use to create needed change in her relations with her employees.

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