Choose ONE of the below links focusing either on the Vanderbilt University rape case or Stanford University rape case and develop a 2-3-page (excludes Title page) APA-formatted reflection-opinion paper.

Choose ONE of the below links focusing either on the Vanderbilt University rape case or Stanford University rape case and develop a 2-3-page (excludes Title page) APA-formatted reflection-opinion paper. Be sure to address the concept of victimology as addressed in this course by reflecting on its significance (i.e., psychological impact, social effects, theoretical issues, legal ramifications, culture of violence). These cases occurred several years ago and so, consider recent media coverage related to sexual assault and harassment and the shift in perspective and opinion that seems to be occurring as you discuss these cases. Share your opinion on whether or not society has changed its point of view related to sexual harassment and assault.

Stanford link –

Vanderbilt link –

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