What is your greatest need at the moment? Technology? People? Governance? Etc.?-What advice would you give to a recent graduate in cybersecurity.

Each of you are to interview a information technology professional who has oversight or is involved in the security aspects of an organization. You are to identify an individual, make contact, schedule and conduct a brief interview. The interview should take no more than 30 minutes (fine if longer). I suggest you approach this as if you were searching for a job.
Prepare for the interview by conducting research on the organization. Then prepare a series of questions for your interviewee. Some sample questions might be:
Describe your career path.
How are you involved in cybersecurity?
What are the key security challenges that you face in this organization?
What is your greatest need at the moment? Technology? People? Governance? Etc.?
What advice would you give to a recent graduate in cybersecurity.
These are sample questions to get you started. Your interviewee may take you in different directions. That’s fine. The key is to be prepared with questions that will get the interview off to a good start.
The deliverable – There is not a strict format for your deliverable. You are to turn in a summary of your interview. Include the individual’s name and organization, the date and time of the interview (in person is best but realistically these will be phone interviews). Share insights that you’ve learned, points that stood out to you, advice that was new, etc. I would expect your summary to be approximately 1-2 pages in length.

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