Christianity and Paganism in Where do you see references to Christian belief and practice in the text? (For example, are some practices, elements, terminology, values, or characters clearly Christian?)


In this first discussion of the course, you will consider the contrasting Christian and pagan elements in Beowulf and what they tell us about early medieval society.

In your initial post, answer the following questions:

1. Where do you see references to Christian belief and practice in the text? (For example, are some practices, elements, terminology, values, or characters clearly Christian?)

2. Where do you see references to pagan belief and practice? (For example, are some practices, elements, terminology, values, or characters clearly pagan?)

3. How does the contrast between Christianity and paganism form an essential role in the plot and action of the epic?

4. Why might a Christian poet write a poem about a pagan culture? Does Bede’s text help us to understand the values and contradictions of early Medieval society?

5. Do you think the author of the epic intends to portray Beowulf as a Christian hero?

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