The Role of Microfinance in Poverty Alleviation in Rural India.

This is a Data Summary Presentation of a thesis I have to submit later in my course. For this presentation, I want you to focus on the topic, look for legitimate datasets online for Variable X and Variable Y (I have provided one dataset for Variable X which is microfinance avaialability in rural areas in India on Page 4 of the document. What I want to be done:

1) FInd dataset(s) for Variable Y/ Appropriate Proxy Variable to measure Variable Y and a better one for X if possible

2) Summarize both of them on Stata in the form of a data summary regression

3) Choose a specified period/ range for this Data Summary for which you will be testing data eg: 2000-2020, 1980-2010 etc.

4) Use Stata and attach the summary table in Slide 5 and provide me with the rest of the files.

5) Prepare speaker notes for the last 3 slides as first 2 are more of a foundation.

Here’s the format/ instructions by my professor for the assignment, follow them strictly:

For the Data Summary Presentations that begin next week.
Each presentation should be at most 5 minutes long – so a total of five power point slides only.
Slide 1: Title Page
Slide 2: State question you are answering with your thesis. Plus one or two sentences of motivation.
Slide 3: State your key variables of interest. What is your X and what is your Y. Discuss very briefly how these will be measured.
Slide 4: Briefly describe your data set(s). What are the sources. When was it collected and by whom.
Slide 5: Summary statistics table(s) of your key variables (X and Y) as well as all of the control variables you plan to put into your estimations.
For the presentation you need at least one summary stats table and at most two.
For some of your topics, you will be merging different data sets. For now you can report two different summary stats tables for those two different data sets. So that you do not need to have merged the two data sets for the presentations next week.

Here are the sources and information that might be useful:

Variable X Dataset (Page 4):

For Potential Data sets:

Datasets can be potentially found at: Worldbank Datasets, Reserve Bank of India Data sets, NSSO India and MOSI India.

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