What are the results of the study. Learning concept from t extbook. (a concept learned in your textbook and correlate to this study).

INSTRUCTIONS 1.Submit an APA Format Analysis Reminder: r unning title head and page number (in the correct positions) Call/Chat Bb for assistance wit h formatting. (Points deducted if formatting is incorrect) reference page Include each sectio
n: Headline each Section: Synopsis of the Study (Abstract summary) Research Methods (par ticipants/how was the reseach conducted) ? Statistics (summary, please do not copy and pa
ste (points deducted) Outcome(s) What are the results of the study. Learning concept from t extbook. (a concept learned in your textbook and correlate to this study). Reminder: cite tex tbook on reference page Conclusion (agree/disagree and implications of application in “real time”. (today’s society), and your opinion. Texts used for this class Required Texts Positive P sychology: The Scientific and Practical Explorations of Explorations of Human Strengths by Shane J. Lopez, Jennifer Teramoto Pedrotti, C. R. Snyder, 4th edition, 2019 Sage Publication
s. Flourish by Martin Seligman, 2011.
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