Write a research paper explaining that there is no Japanese economic growth without the United States.

Write a research paper explaining that there is no Japanese economic growth without the United States.
STUDENTS POST: While several factors contributed to the Japanese economic miracle, such as a quality workforce with a strong work ethic and a great supply of affordable oil, Japan’s relationship with the United States also played a crucial role in achieving this feat (Facts and Details, 2013). The following products of the Japan-U.S. relationship are a few examples that provided Japan with opportunities to rise in the global society as an economic giant.
First, reforms such as MacArthur’s land reform enabled many Japanese people to own land, releasing them from the control of the Japanese aristocracy. This allowed the Japanese middle class to grow stronger, providing a solid foundation for the Japanese economy. Additionally, MacArthur also put a stop to monopolies, breaking up giant corporations and supporting unions. Supported by the new global trend of reduced tariff barriers and free trade, the new Japanese system was able to build a solid foundation for its economy (Facts and Details, 2013).
Second, the U.S. allowed Japan to export its products, providing them with U.S. tax dollars to rebuild itself. The task was entrusted to conservatives who already possessed the expertise to build what they aspired to: an economic superpower, Japan. The Korean War in 1950 also provided a significant opportunity for Japan to achieve its economic miracle, as U.S. warships were serviced in Japanese ports, equipment and machines were repaired, and support facilities were built (Facts and Details, 2013).

Third, U.S. protectionism in 1960 provided Japan with opportunities to shift its focus from consumer goods to larger industries such as automobiles. By 1970, Japan became the third-largest industrial nation and the second-largest economic nation after the U.S (Facts and Details, 2013).
The U.S. desire to keep Japan as a friendly ally during the Cold War influenced the U.S. to maintain diplomatic relations with Japan supportively, providing ample support and opportunities for Japan to not only rebuild itself but also rise as an economic superpower (Facts and Details, 2013). Japan, being one of the wealthiest nations and a strong ally of the U.S., is also considered one of the most successful cases of post-war U.S. foreign policy, along with Germany and South Korea. Japan’s economic miracle is studied in depth by many scholars for this reason. As a side note, while the Korean War provided Japan with a great opportunity to rebuild itself, some Korean people harbor resentment against Japan for this reason. On top of the Japanese colonial period, these Korean people view Japan’s success during the Korean War as Japan once again benefiting at the expense of the Korean people, even after the Pacific War and the colonial period.
Facts and Details. (2013). “Japanese Economy After World War II.” Japan’s Post-World-War II Economy and the Economic Miracle of the 1950s and 60s. Accessed 21 March 2024. http://aboutjapan.japansociety.org/postwar_japan_1952-1989#sthash.lTVLD11O.WW14frfZ.dpbs


More than one scholar has noted that Japan’s high economic growth from the 1950s to the 1970s would not have been possible without the special relationship it had with the United States during this period. In what ways did the United States contribute to Japan’s economic development?

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