Prepare a presentation discussing the organizational culture type you will implement, creation of 1-2 SMART goals to be achieved within the first year, and a discussion of 6 key areas covered through the course that will bring your smart goal/goals to fruition.

You will prepare a presentation discussing the organizational culture type you will implement, creation of 1-2 SMART goals to be achieved within the first year, and a discussion of 6 key areas covered through the course that will bring your smart goal/goals to fruition.

Presentation requirements:

The presentation can be no longer than 8 minutes total.

The slide presentation must include the following (12 Slides total, no more or less):

1. Cover slide (1 slide)

2. Introduction slide/Situation (1 Slide)

—Identifying company issue you will be addressing

3. Path Forward: (1 Slide)

—Identify and define culture type, and why you selected this

4. Smart goals slide (1 slide)

—1 to 2 SMART goals

5. 6 topic areas you will focus on and how each will be implemented (6 slides)

—(Each of these 6 slides require at least 100 words of speaker notes with APA citations for your 4 reference sources)

6. Conclusion slide (1 slide)

—Summarize key points

7. Reference slide (1 slide)

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