Reflect on Horace Mann’s contributions to American education.

This week, you have read about the history of education and a couple of the major players that helped American education progress in its early years. After reading the article Does Horace Mann Still Matter?, reflect on Horace Mann’s contributions to American education.
Essay should be 1-2 pages, double-spaced, use Times New Roman 12-point font, and include at least 3 references. Follow APA formatting and style guidelines for references and citations.
You should answer the following questions in your essay:
If Horace Mann were alive today, what would he think of the current state of American education?
What principles of Horace Mann’s would be effective in today’s classrooms?
Which, if any, of Horace Mann’s principles are outdated?
As a future teacher, what can we learn, both good and bad, from Horace Mann’s idea of what public education should look like?

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