Memo Paper

For this assignment, you need to review this sample proposal ( ) and submit a memo that summarizes both the pros and cons of the proposal. The memo should be no more than 1-3 full pages and follow memo format.

Keep the following tips for success in mind when you work on this assignment:

The proposal should propose what problem you will study AND how you will gather more research on your stated problem. For example, maybe you’ll conduct a survey or find published research on the topic or conduct interviews with you peers.
You do not need to include the solution to the problem that you wish to study. You’ll do that in a later assignment (i.e. the recommendation report).
Use the proposal writing checklist from the Week 8 Module( to see if the example for this assignment meets all of the criteria for a proposal
For your memo, make sure that you support any claim of a pro or a con with rationale for why that claims makes sense. Use your proposal checklist and the lectures from the last few weeks to guide you through the support.

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