How does consuming this media shape one’s vision of the good life or attitudes towards others?

Remember to keep the project narrow enough to do the following within the allotted time:
Assert an original position on the topic that is imaginative and considers the complexities of the issue.
Consider the alternative or opposing cultural dimensions of the problem or topic, which should include the positive and negative impact of culture on the media and vice versa, the impact of media on culture.
Thoroughly present evidence and reflectively question your own bias.
Incorporate at least five current research references (including textbook) for a robust analysis. Evidence may include articles, quotes, and images that back up various points of view.
Examine whether your position changed after more research.
Make sure your conclusion is logical and considers opposing viewpoints while it also highlights your position to expand the issue.
Use your presentation to expand on, rather than simply to read, your slide bullet points.
Developing a Position
The following questions, adapted from L. M. Sacasas’ “The Questions Concerning Technology,” might help you to develop a position on the relationship between media and culture:
How does this media or cultural practice affect one’s experience of time and/or place?
What actions, behaviors, desires, or feelings does the use of this media or cultural practice cultivate or displace?
How does consuming this media shape one’s vision of the good life or attitudes towards others?
Whom, if anyone, does this media empower and/or disempower, and how?
What kinds of cultural assumptions or values emerge in the media?

– The introduction slide contains a thesis statement that briefly but completely addresses at least 3 major points or ways in which the chosen media reflects and impacts culture.
– It skillfully engages the reader and seamlessly provides an overview of the media chosen and concepts to be explored in future slides.
-Demonstrates a sophisticated awareness of the interrelationship between chosen media and culture.-Describes 3 or more major points or ways in which the chosen media reflects and impacts culture, providing evidence to effectively support insights.
– The conclusion slide completely summarizes the major points of the presentation or restates the thesis.
– It skillfully concludes the presentation, supporting insights on ways in which chosen media reflects and impacts culture and includes relevant ideas for future research on the topic.
– The presentation contains supporting images, data and graphics with detail that is particularly rich and relevant to the major points, as well as engaging towards the intended audience.
– The choice of these supporting materials strongly supports each major point and demonstrates a keen research effort by the presenter.
– The presentation provides detailed speaker notes and explanation of terms and concepts is complemented by examples and rich detail.

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