Write a research paper outlining the primary tactics that could be employed to guarantee business continuity.

Write a research paper outlining the primary tactics that could be employed to guarantee business continuity.A BCP is uniquely different from a complete disaster recovery plan (DRP), neither of which is a small undertaking. Both are required to return the enterprise to 100 percent functionality. The view for the enterprise is to have one BCP that contains multiple DRPs generally broken into department or business function categories.

The BCP is an overarching strategic approach to getting any business back “in” business with all mandatory functionality as soon as possible after disaster strikes. This is why the previous steps and projects have required these elements to be identified and prioritized. As such, the BCP is not as detail-oriented as the DRP and only contains DRP requirements that are absolutely mandatory to get the business back in action at the earliest opportunity.

The DRP is usually more technical, very specific, and very much a necessity in today’s highly connected technology infrastructure. The DRP includes descriiptions of data backup strategies, recovery sites, and post incident requirements.

There will naturally be several aspects of the rebuild that might not go exactly as planned. This exercise will be to demonstrate an ability to follow multiple paths in a decision tree environment. The objective will be to create a drawing or descriiptive list that follows both options to each decision of “yes” or “no” or “success” or “failure” to the reconstructive effort.

Specifically, for each step, conclude with an answer to the question “was the action successful?” If “yes,” what is the next step? Or, if “no,” what is the alternative step to take next?

Continue this process until you have successfully returned to operational status or determined you cannot reactivate under current circumstances. If the result of the plan is an inability to recover, the plan needs additional work to make it successful.

Now that you have researched recovery strategies as they pertain to a BCP, list or map multiple strategic options to accomplish the recovery effort. Upload a 2 page descriiption of the planned recovery strategies for feedback.

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