What would be the range of your numbered population list?3. How many digits would you read in the Random Number Table?

Sample #3
:Random Number Table Sampling Problem200 singers are trying out for “Brookdale Idol”. Five singers will be selected at random to determine the average age of the singers in this competition.
A. Using the Random # Table to Obtain a Random Sample
1. List the steps for using the Random Number Table to obtaina random sample.
2. What would be the range of your numbered population list?3. How many digits would you read in the Random Number Table?
4. Use the Random Number Table to obtain your randomsample of 5 singers. Start at the bottom left corner and read up that column. Which students should be selected?

B. Using the Random Table to Obtain a Systematic Sample:
1. List the steps for using the Random Number Table to obtain asystematic sample.
2. What would be the nth value?
3. What would be the range for the first number chosen from the Random Number Table?
4. Use the Random Number Table to obtain your systematic sample. Start at the top left corner and read across that row. Which 5 singers should be selected?

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