Summarize insights gained from the interview in relationship to the IN or Technology specialists role and practice

Evaluate the extent to which the IN or Technology specialist functions as member, leader, and/or decision-maker of an Interdisciplinary and/or interprofessional team;
Examine three nursing-informatics (IN) functional roles that the IN or Technology specialist demonstrates in clinical practice;
Summarize the link between nursing theory and nursing informatics roles; and
Summarize insights gained from the interview in relationship to the IN or Technology specialists role and practice

Introduction of the interviewee including job title, years of experience along with employment and educational background. Please don’t include name of interviewee or organization in this assignment.

Ask the following questions:

What brought you into the field of informatics and technology?
Why do you believe this specialty is important to healthcare?
What are three key responsibilities in your role as informatics nurse or technology specialist that supports the healthcare interdisciplinary collaboration?
What are the methods for collecting data within your organization?
What are the sources of data that you look at in your organization for quality improvement efforts?
Is there any theoretical models or frameworks you refer to as a resource to support best practice as it pertains to information technology?
Who are key stakeholders, you collaborate with to ensure data is disseminated and addressed?
What are some challenges experienced in your role? How did you address these challenges?
What is one of the most rewarding experiences in your role?
What would be your greatest advice for a new nurse interested in the field of informatics?

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