WORLD HEALTH RANKINGS – World Life Expectancy

This week we are learning how to accumulate, analyze and interpret needed community and internal facility demographics relating to healthcare strategic planning preparations. In this Assignment the student will use the World Health Ranking website to compare and report on the listed chronic health population death rates per disease and by both Okanogan and Clelan counties of Washington state and include the State and national percentages. There are two files provided. The first is an Excel File in which you will basically look up the disease category on the Website and provide the percentage number of deaths per 100,000 people. Open the website to the United States (top center) and on the left side you will see the listing of states. Click on Washington and then go down on the left side to click on the chronic illness items.

Once you have recorded these for the two counties, you are to write a one-page narrative summarizing your findings from the information. Discuss the line items that appear to be more significant with the health indicators. You should include your reasoning as to why these indicators are above norms as compared to the state and national trends.

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