Describe legislative relations in public health services

Describe legislative relations in public health services.
To acquire the required competency from this SLO, students must read Ch 6 of the class textbook and report on the following topics:
Novick, Morrow, & Mays, Ch.6
You are expected to discuss and analyze your responses as required for graduate-level work.
a. The Federal Budgeting Process.
b. Steps in Creating the Federal Budget.
c. Health Appropriation Anomaly.
d. Creating Health Programs-Authorizing Committee Jurisdictions.
e. The Department of Health and Human Services and its Operating Divisions.
f. The Programs of Block Grants, SCHIP, and Long-Term Care.
Below are the assigned reading links:
Assigned Reading PA 542 PHM Novich Ch 6 Part I.pdf Download Assigned Reading PA 542 PHM Novich Ch 6 Part I.pdf
Assigned Reading PA 542 PHM Novich Ch 6 Part II.pdf Download Assigned Reading PA 542 PHM Novich Ch 6 Part II.pdf
Assigned Reading PA 542 PHM Novich Ch 6 Part III.pdf Download Assigned Reading PA 542 PHM Novich Ch 6 Part III.pdf

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