How will the enzyme be regulated? Will you use a competitive inhibitor? Why?

You are a scientist working for NeverClickers (a pharmaceutical company). You have been tasked with making an enzyme that targets fungal species that cause “zombie like” symptoms in insects. Your task is to inhibit fungal growth by targeting a specific pathway. This new enzyme has the potential for making lots of money for the company and saving humanity from a future “zombie apocalypse”.
In designing your enzyme, you must tell me the following:
1. It’s name and how it will inhibit fungal cell growth
2. What is its molecular properties? What kind class of macromolecule is it?
3. Is it affected by temperature (low/high?) and how? Is it affected by an acidic or basic environment?
4. The chemical reaction/pathway inside the fungal cells that it will catalyze. I don’t need specific amounts of the molecules, only what the reactants and products will be.
5. What is the substrate for this enzyme?
6. Does it require an allosteric site? why? how does this site regulate the enzyme? is it an activation or inhibitory site?
7. Will it require a cofactor? Why?
8. How will the enzyme be regulated? Will you use a competitive inhibitor? Why?
9. Why is it important to design this fungal enzyme?
Writing Requirements
In order to receive full credit, you must answer each part of this question. Clearly NUMBER/LETTER each answer without including the question (to prevent high similarity score). No more than 1.5 pgs. Typed, double spaced, 12 pt font Times Roman. If writing guidelines are not followed, point deductions will be taken.
You are a microbiologist charged with making a new bacteria media culture.
1. What would be the general composition of your media? I do not need to know specific amounts, but what types of macromolecules, atoms, salts, ions, pH would you use?
2. Would it be a selective or differential media? An enriched media?
3. Would this media be used in anaerobic or aerobic conditions?
4. What type (group/genus) of bacteria would you culture with it?
Imagine culturing the selected bacteria in the culture media you have created.
5. Describe its growth in terms of the standard bacteria growth curve discussed in lecture. Briefly explain the different phases your bacteria would go through while growing in this new media.
6. What is the doubling time/generation time of your bacteria?
Writing Requirements
In order to receive full credit, you must answer each part of this question. Clearly NUMBER/LETTER each answer without including the question (to prevent high similarity score). No more than 1.5 pgs. Typed, double spaced, 12 pt font Times Roman. If writing guidelines are not followed, point deductions will be taken.

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