Identify the most frequent mental health diseases in Saudi Arabia (SA).

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Post-Conference Reflection
Conference Title: Mental Health Promotion
o To determine the meaning of mental wellness and illness.
o To clarify the most commonly used tools for assessing mental health in PHCs (Primary Healthcare Centers).
o To identify the most frequent mental health diseases in Saudi Arabia (SA).
o The goal is to reduce stigma associated with mental diseases.
o To discover effective management techniques for each mental health disorder.
Key topics:
o Most common illnesses in SA which have been discussed are;
§ Postpartum depression.
§ Autism.
§ Sleep disorder.
§ Obsessive-compulsive disorders.
§ Mental health assessment.
§ Depression and anxiety.
Key Takeaways:
o Mental health is an integral part of overall general health, and defined by WHO (World Health Organization): ” Mental health is a condition of well-being in which an individual recognizes his or her own abilities, can manage with the usual stressors of life, can work productively, and can contribute to his or her community”.
o Mental disorders not affecting individual alone, but even affect his/her families, work and community.
o Mental disorders is not prevalent in a certain age, it might comes at any time during life.
o 1in 4 individuals have mental disorders.
o 1 in 6 workers have depression, anxiety or stress.
§ Prevalence in female more than male.
o Doctor must perform mental health assessment if there is susceptible cases with mental disorders.
o Despite, psychological healthcare is still undervalued in PHCs, the main therapeutic step is active and passive communication.
Impact of takeaways on the nursing practice and research
o Nurses have a crucial role in promoting mental health because they are on the forefront and can identify psychological issues early through triage and screening step.
o Nurses should provide a safe and non-judgmental environment to build trust and promote good communication with their clients.
o In 2021, one of the measures that have been proposed in a prospective cohort study about the use of mental health promotion strategies by nurses to reduce anxiety, stress, and depression during the COVID-19 outbreak for nurses that can be applied to their clients with stress, anxiety, and depression symptoms, such as physical activity, relaxation activity, recreational activity, healthy diet, adequate water intake, breaks between work shifts, maintenance of remote social and sharing feelings or emotions. (Pinho et al., 2021)
o Nurses should take a holistic approach and consider all factors that impact an individual’s mental health, as suggested in the article “Health Promotion in Mental Health Care”. Patients with DM and mental health nurses perceived several barriers to integrating healthy lifestyles into their daily lives, including a lack of energy and motivation as a result of the MD, side effects of psychological drug use, and hospitalization, a lack of time, and personal views and attitudes toward health promotion. (Verhaeghe et al., 2013)
Relevance to Nursing Practice:
o Raise community awareness of the steadily rising prevalence of mental health issues through webinars, symposiums and campaigns.
o Nurses at PHCs can detect individuals with mental disorders from start at triage.
o Mental health screening will provide opportunity for early diagnosis and early intervention.
o Increase work collaboration with other healthcare providers to achieve optimal healthcare services.
o Mental health nurses must provide support and encourage their clients to communicate about their feelings and concerns as well as referring them to suitable services as needed.
o Per literatures, communication, healthy eating habit, regular physical activities and social engagement are core elements which promote individual’s mental wellness.
o Community health nurses should recognize that interventions need to be planned for individuals, certain groups, and entire populations.
Pinho, L., Correia, T., Sampaio, F., Sequeira, C., Teixeira, L., Lopes, M., & Fonseca, C. (2021). The use of mental health promotion strategies by nurses to reduce anxiety, stress, and depression during the COVID-19 outbreak: A prospective cohort study. Environmental research, 195, 110828.
Verhaeghe, N., De Maeseneer, J., Maes, L., Van Heeringen, C., & Annemans, L. (2013). Health promotion in mental health care: perceptions from patients and mental health nurses. Journal of clinical nursing, 22(11-12), 1569–1578.
WHO (2022). Mental health. Retrieved from:

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