What health teaching principles should you consider specific to your population and learner engagement, literacy, and relevance

State the topic (disease) of concern and your population focus. This is the basis of your decision to implement prevention interventions. You will need one to two well written paragraphs. The first paragraph should speak to the impact of the disease in general. How many people in the nation, or in the world, have the disease? What is the cost in terms of quality of life/death? (incidence, prevalence, morbidity, mortality, economic cost). This information should be cited from a minimum of two peer-reviewed journal articles. The second paragraph can address these same “costs” in terms specific to your focus group. Is there are higher rate of incidence, prevalence, morbidity, mortality, or economic cost associated with your group? Be certain to indent paragraphs. You will also need to in-text cite all your evidence in APA format throughout the paper. (Jones, 2023). Keep the similarity rating below 20% by avoiding direct quotes: paraphrase instead. If using direct quotes, they must be cited appropriately, “Direct quotes require a page number (or paragraph number if page numbers are unavailable) with the citation” (Jones, 2023, p 76). Health Promotion/Primary Prevention Strategies This section describes how you, as a nurse, can impact health in your community and is worth 35 points. In one or two paragraphs, describe evidence based prevention strategies supported by peer-reviewed journals. Create a program in your community where you can implement this strategy. Describe how you program is organized. Is it a one-time session at a community center or health fair? Is it a weekly support group? Is it interactive, virtual, in-person etc… What health teaching principles should you consider specific to your population and learner engagement, literacy, and relevance

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