For this paper, consider a topic that in some way addresses one of the topics listed above. Make sure it references previously discussed theories. 5 pages at least.

For this paper, consider a topic that in some way addresses one of the topics listed above. Make sure it references previously discussed theories. 5 pages at least. This is an argumentative essay.
This is the rubric. Please no plagiarism.

Explanation: This category concerns how well a student is able to explain to the reader (me) the relevant theory/ theories that are being employed and how they relate to the topic of the paper. This section focuses on factual accuracy, the expression of information, etc.
1 Point: The paper is filled with facial inaccuracies, points are nonsensical and there is a clear misunderstanding about what is being discussed.
2 Points: The student attempted to make sense of the theory but there were numerous misunderstandings and/ or a failure to clearly explain the materials.
3 Points: The student has an introductory understanding of the material and showcased it in the paper. The paper was factually correct, but they insufficiently explained the topics and/ or did not provide enough materials.
4 Points: The student effectively explained the theory/ theories used.
5 Points: Not only did the student effectively understand the theory/ theories, but it’s clear from their explanation that they did additional research that aided them in developing a stronger understanding of the material.

Persuasiveness: All philosophy papers are argumentative in nature, so this section concerns itself with how well a student is able to make a case for their thesis. By this, what is meant is that a student is able to connect together their thesis with their provided materials to make it seem that the claim that was made at the beginning of the paper has merit. This also concerns any and all arguments made by the student throughout their paper.
1 Point: The essay did not attempt to make any arguments or forward any position. In other words, the paper was not an argument of any kind.
2 Points: There are arguments but they make very little sense and they are not persuasive. There is no real thesis being advanced, or it was delivered very poorly to the point where it does not make any sense.
3 Points: There is a thesis and arguments being forwarded but it is not very strong or persuasive.
4 Points: There is a thesis and decent arguments but there is room for improvement.
5 Points: There is a well defined thesis and strong arguments. The paper is very persuasive.
Supporting Arguments: For this section, I look at the supporting materials, such as arguments made by other theorists and those developed by the student. I check to see if they are being used effectively, that they are relevant to the thesis, to see if enough supporting materials were used given the scope of the thesis, and to ensure that the student both understands and properly explains their point.
1 Point: No supporting arguments were presented in the paper.
2 Points: Supporting arguments were given, but they were incorrectly represented.
3 Points: The arguments presented were adequately represented but there were too few and/ or they weren’t sufficient at supporting the thesis.
4 Points: There were a sufficient number of supporting arguments and they were properly explained.
5 Points: There were a good number of arguments presented and they were masterfully represented.
Counter Arguments: This section mirrors the one above in that I look at the counter arguments provided and examine it for all the same criteria as with supporting ones, but I also look to see if the counter arguments are adequately refuted by the student as well. So, if a student provides a counter argument and does little or no work to persuade me not to side with the counter argument, this will be marked against them.
See above for the point breakdown, except it’s for counter arguments.
References: This section is concerned with everything involving citing and referencing outside works. I look to see that all works are properly cited in some fashion, that all quotations are made known to the reader, that there is a bibliography with all relevant works accounted for, and I also look for general formatting features associated with this section, such as neatly presented citations and that the reference page is structured in an organized manner. I do not assign a specific writing format (i.e. Chicago or APA) but I do look for generally held citation formatting that is common across all the systems. Finally, I look for a consistency in the style used by the student (i.e. not sloppy).

5 points indicates that there were 5 or more academic sources and an equal number of in-text citations (following the requirements found above). It also indicates they were properly formatted to a college level. Points are deducted based on a lack of any of the above.
Would take several pages to show every combination of lost points for every variable.
Quality of Written Materials: This is a catch-all for the actual written work as a written work. I check the paper for obvious spelling and grammar mistakes, sentence structure, the delivery of the student’s points and the flow of the paper. This is not a space to reward people who have a strong written voice, per se, but rather to make sure that the quality of the student’s writing is on par with what an average college student ought to be capable of.
1 Point: The paper is unreadable.
2 Points: The paper is riddled with errors but readable.
3 Points: The paper is readable but the number of errors make it look like a rough draft.
4 Points: The paper is adequate but could have used some additional revisions.
5 Points: The paper is free of errors.
Formatting: Here is where I make sure that the student followed all of my required formatting points that were listed on the syllabus. So, things like the paper being the required length, that it possesses a works cited page, its 12 point font and there were citations, etc. Note: for every missing page, I deduct one point from this section.
1 Point: The student disregarded all formatting requirements.
2 Points: The student disregarded most of them.
3 Points: The paper fails to abide by one of the formatting suggestions.
4 Points: There were minor discrepancies between the formatting requirements and the paper (such as an unprofessional font like comic sans).
5 Points: The student fully abided by the formatting requirements.

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