Write an essay about the Russian Revolution using 5 newspaper sources and some readings that we did in class from the files that I have provided down below.

You will need to write an essay about the Russian Revolution using 5 newspaper sources and some readings that we did in class from the files that I have provided down below. There are 7 news paper for you to choose 5 out of them to mainly talk about and use the other 2 readings for additional evidence to support your statement. PLEASE FOLLW THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS:

use the newspaper article as evidence to construct an argument about the event (you’re also welcome to use class readings as additional evidence). There are a lot of possibilities here: you could look at how newspapers covered, say, theatre in Russia, or how they wrote about a particular leader. You could even think about whether these events were understood as world-changing at the time. You will almost certainly have to read more than five articles as you figure out what you want to write about, so give yourself a bit of time to poke around. Also: please note that historical language may not always conform to modern expectations and you may come across words referring to people of other races or ethnicities that we would not and should not use today. These sources are part of our collective past and can
still be valuable, but they also must be read carefully and thoughtfully.
Be sure you have a specific thesis statement in the introductory paragraph. The thesis statement serves as a guidepost for the reader, letting them know what you plan to do. In other words, it’s there to make the reader’s life easier—and seriously, you always want to
make your reader’s life easier when they’re assigning you a grade! Crucially, a good thesis statement is more than an observation. It should make an argument – it takes a stand – that can be debated or discussed. Your paper should be 5-6 pages long (about 1250-1500 words), double-spaced, in 12- point font (preferably Times New Roman), with a word count listed at the end of the paper. Please be sure to number your pages. Use Chicago-style footnotes for citations. A quick guide to Chicago style is available here:

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