Write an essay outlining a right or freedom we have in a western democratized country that does not exist in the same way in another country.

Rights and Freedoms vary throughout the world. What some would call a right in one country may be different elsewhere or not even exist.
Write a 500 word essay outlining a right or freedom we have in a western democratized country that does not exist in the same way in another country.

Consider these questions as you write your essay.
– What is the right or freedom in question?
– How is that right exercised in our part of the world? Is it enshrined in a constitution or other document?
– How is it restricted in another country?
– Choose only one other country to compare it to.
– What are the political, historical, religious reasons why that right is not observed in the other country?
Use Essay format and cite other sources if you use them. NO PLAGIARISM!!
Do not answer in point form!
– Please use APA format for citations but you do not need an abstract.
– Do not quote Wikipedia!!!

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