Simulating a rectangular fin.

Question 2 (40
points): Simulating a rectangular fin (in Excel)

In class, we saw how a 1D
steady-state heat conduction problem can be solved in a spreadsheet. The spreadsheet
“ExcelDemo” in Blackboard also shows you how to solve this problem when a constant source term is involved. The
rectangular fin problem in Question 1 can be solved by making a few minor
modifications to this spreadsheet (or you can create your own spreadsheet) by
making the following changes:
The “source” term in a rectangular fin is not a
constant but varies spatially (Hint: Refer to 4_RectangularFin (Notes))
The right boundary is not at constant
temperature but is at zero heat flux instead. (Please refer to slide 31 in
“FVM_Diffusion_Source (Notes).ppt”) for how to make a slight modification to
compute the cell temperature adjacent to the right boundary.
Make both these changes and
compute: the steady state temperature profile and estimate the heat loss from
the fin associated with Question 1. Compare your results against those obtained
in Question 1.

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