Create a PowerPoint presentation on a peer-reviewed primary research article related to sports nutrition.

Must use this primary scholarly article:
Create a PowerPoint presentation on a peer-reviewed primary research article related to sports nutrition. Presentations must include slides and audio; however, incorporating a video component is welcomed as well.

Below are the required components with point values.
Presentations should be 10-15 minutes.
Introduction (25 pts)
Name of study and authors
Brief background information on the topic
Purpose of the study
Methods (25 pts)
Study design and methods
Participant information (i.e., height, weight, demographics, body composition, etc., whatever is included in the article)
Results (25 pts)
Tables and figures must be included (highlight important findings)
Discussion & Conclusion (20 pts) Any bias? Important info from results?
Strengths and weaknesses of the study (if there are none listed in the article itself, include a few of your own) (15 pts)
Practical Implications (15 pts)
What was the importance of the study? How can the findings be applied?
References (cited in APA format) (5 pts)

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