What are the most effective strategies for promoting successful transitions to adulthood for individuals with autism, including post-secondary education, employment, and independent living skills?

Please use the sample as a guide since the questions are not fully accurate based on my research question: Use the sample as a guide to see how my classmate did her paper so you can understand how to do mine:

Research question: What are the most effective strategies for promoting successful transitions to adulthood for individuals with autism, including post-secondary education, employment, and independent living skills?

Research Proposal
– In this plan, after you have received the go-ahead from me, choose one academic/behavioral area on which you will work with a focus student for the remainder of the semester. Select or design a method of measurement based on your research question. Make sure your project is viable given a six or seven week period of time in which the project will be implemented. The Research Proposal should contain (use the following headings in your paper):
Clear Statement of the Problem (issue), including the questions you have and a rationale: Why did you select this problem or question? Why is it important? (Provide some details regarding student or populations, etc.)
Write a clear research question. What do you want to discover through your study?
What types of data will you use? How will this data provide you with evidence that the technique you are studying is working or not working?

2. Literature Review DRAFT (five page maximum)

Begin your paper with your research question and rationale. Add supporting details such as grade level of students, teaching placement and any other relevant information on the school context.
Supporting Research and Scholarship: Search for studies that either prove or disprove the usefulness of your chosen technique or method. Summarize relevant research and scholarship as it pertains to your problem or question. What, if any, research has been done on this topic? Were the results satisfactory? What does the literature suggest about possible solutions or actions? Make a case for your research proposal.
Summary: Provide a summary of your research in one paragraph
References: A minimum of five recent sources (books, journal articles) should be used. In addition, you may use two Internet sources. Research should be synthesized and written using APA style -See announcements for APA support

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