What is the main relationship between sociology and anthropology?

What is the main relationship between sociology and anthropology?
Building on Assignment 3, you will expand your photographic and sonic investigation
by providing a theoretical analysis of your infrastructure ethnography
( The Stock Market ) .

A successful research project will address these three elements: (1) a clear reflection on the affective and sensory aspects, and the semiotics of the infrastructure selected; (2) a discussion on the social, cultural, and political significance of the infrastructure selected in one specific community; and (3) a scholarly dialogue across relevant comparative case studies in the current literature in anthropology/sociology of media and infrastructure. Your final research paper must include a well-structured and composed text, which presents and discusses the three elements (1-2-3) described above. The research paper must include and
integrate successfully six to nine relevant peer-reviewed academic references, with the
majority selected from the anthropological or sociological literature.

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