Write a research paper outlining the importance of equality and equity in education.

Write a research paper outlining the importance of equality and equity in education.
n the assigned readings and videos, the Heritage Foundation and Peter Sagal seem at odds in their respective positions toward the 14th Amendment and the evolution of equal protection. How do you reconcile equality versus equity in public education today? You must support your position with examples from case law, the U.S. Constitution, or other readings.

after answering the question using at least 120 words you will then respond to the following two classmates using positive feedback on the same response. this must be done using 120 words each.

1. Trying to reconciling equality versus equity in public education today would be a very difficult task for even the most qualified economist, lawyer, and civil rights activist because when you try to create equity among the masses, something must be taken from someone else, like school funding. A school district that resides in a lower income area where the residents pay less taxes, or none at all, that school district will receive less funding. Should adjacent school districts, that have more residents with higher taxable income, and therefore better funding, financially support lower income schools?

Reconciling equality and equity, when it comes to race, gender, or disabilities, I believe as a country, we are an equal opportunity educational system. However, according to Gewertz (2019), a study done in the Chicago about the enrollment in elite schools, showed that the educational system favors higher-income students, and to combat this, Chicago has lowered its standards for admission to students who come from low-income students.

Created equal: Constitution USA with Peter Sagal. (2013). In Films On Demand. Films Media Group.

Gewertz, C. (2019). The battle over who gets into elite public schools. Education Week, 38(32), 1–9.

2. To reconcile equality versus equity in public education, we first need to recognize the difference between the two. Equality means that everyone is given the same resources and opportunities. Equity is understanding that individuals and groups have different circumstances and unique needs; therefore, certain individuals and groups require whatever they need to gain success.

For this reconciliation to exist, there are certain factors that that need to be considered. One factor that needs to be considered in reconciling equity versus equality, is the allocation of resources. Resources should be distributed based on the needs of the students. Unfortunately, schools that are in impoverished or lower socioeconomic neighborhoods have the most need. This can be remedied on a legislative level by ensuring that all schools receive the same resources, the same funding, and the same quality of instruction (Zoluth,2024). The second factor that needs to be considered for this reconciliation is addressing that systemic barriers exist and being intentional about breaking those barriers. Once again, I believe that this factor can be remedied on the legislative level through policy changes. The third factor is making connections with community and students the public educations serve and asking them what their needs are. Equity is anchored in the idea that “voices matter” (Howard, 2024) If the students and the community are asked what their needs are, rather than basing their needs on assumptions, I believe equity and equality would be closer to reconciling in public education.

Howard, Tyrone. (20, Feb 2024). Using Data to Advance Equity. Edutopia

Safir, S. (2016, January 21). Equity vs. equality: 6 steps toward equity. Edutopia.

Zoluth, Sarah ( 05, January 2024). Why Equity and Equality Matter in Education. The National society of High School Scholars.

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