Write a research paper on “What are the best historical facts that actually happened?”

Write a research paper on “What are the best historical facts that actually happened?”HAVE IN MIND THE FOLLOWING ORIENTATIONS FOR YOUR ESSAYS WRITNG:
The academic essay is a text in which the author presents a personal point of view or opinion on a topic, and analyzes and defends it through arguments, based on various sources.
Said analysis must be carried out by linking theoretical positions on a topic, problem or phenomenon, or relating two or more bibliographic sources on it.

The key is that, after presenting the positions of other authors, the essayist exposes and defends his own version of it, through statements that express evaluations and arguments that support his position.
1. Introduction
The introduction has 3 essential parts:
First. – The writer must present the topic or problem discussed in the text and clearly and precisely state his or her point of view regarding it. For this, it is necessary to adequately delimit the topic. In addition, it is important to contextualize the reader and awaken their interest.
Second. – The subtopics to be discussed are stated. Example:

In the introduction, terms are used such as: “First, the positions of…” are analyzed, “Second, the theories/perspectives/opinions of…” are presented.

Third. – The objective of the essay is presented with verbs such as “analyze”, “compare”, etc.
“In this essay we analyze, compare, verify…”
2. Development:
It consists of breaking down the subtopics stated in the introduction, raising the arguments with which the point of view is defended or the points of view of other authors are criticized. Different resources are used to argue:
• -Examples
• -Comparisons
• -Definitions
• -Statistical data from recognized organizations.
• -Historical facts.
• -Textual quotes and paraphrases from other authors.
An analysis of each of these resources must be done.
3. Conclusion
In this part you are expected to return to the most relevant aspects of your text and present a synthesis of it, with the aim of reaffirming your position in a clear way. It is also important that you generate reflections around the thesis, proposing perspectives on it (personal opinions).
4. References:
Presents the bibliographical references cited in the essay. APA Standards are generally used.
5. Generalities of the writing
-Times New Roman font, size 12, line spacing 1.5.
-Indent the first line of each paragraph.
-It is written in the third person: “it is necessary that, it can be noted that, it is appreciated that…”
-APA citation format
-Justified margins.
-Upload in PDF format,

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