Write a research paper on “What is Google Slides and How Do You Use It?”

For this assignment you will go and select a Chromebook, Surface, or iPad app and develop a presentation about the resource. You must select one that you do not have much experience with. This means you can’t use something you have created for another class, for professional learning, or any other situation. Use this as an excuse to go out and find a resource that you might really be able to take advantage of and use with your job. Here are the parameters for the assignment:
A high priority of this assignment is that you should select a resource that can is really useful for student collaboration or creation of content. For instance, students can work together to create new content using a resource like Google Draw, or they can create a video using an application like iMovie or Stop Motion Studio. Students can create original work with Explain Everything, or Book Creator, or Puppet Pals, or even Chatter Pix. An example of a resource that wouldn’t be appropriate for this assignment is something like United Streaming, which does not allow students to work together or create anything, they simply watch and learn from the video. Same with an application like Starfall or Bloomz, which can be excellent to use in the classroom but not for student-centered content creation. If you aren’t sure about the one you want to use, you can always email me.
You need to create a presentation that is thorough and educates the rest of us about the resource. You want to pretend like the rest of the class has NO idea what this resources is all about, and you are developing a training to deliver to us. You can use any presentation software that you want (Canva, Google Slides, Screencast-o-matic, etc.) to do this presentation. It needs to be thorough and walk us through the interface. You need to download the app and take your own screenshots or do your own screencast, do not use one you find on YouTube or you will lose credit.
Overall this needs to look and feel very polished.

Plan things out and develop it in a way that exudes professionalism. If you use lots of text/screenshots, design it in a way that is easy to read and is appealing to the eye. If you record a screencast, make sure you have planned what you want to talk about and don’t just mumble and fumble your way through the resource, figuring out things as you go.
Remember that your focus is on a student-centered tablet application that can be utilized in the classroom.
Here is a WONDERFUL resource to get you started. You should bookmark this website because new resources are added every year to it : https://www.ala.org/aasl/awards/best

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