Discuss protection/treatement of employees in croproate restructuring under the CCAA statute (the equivlenat of american chapter 11 bankruptcy).

The paper needs to be written from a canadian perspective. discuss protection/treatement of employees in croproate restructuring under the CCAA statute (the equivlenat of american chapter 11 bankruptcy). which allows for discretion (something i hope you get into). Other than that i have very broad discretion but I have listed some of the things I would like

Treatement under the CCAA is inflluenced by the requirements of the Bankruptcy and insolvency act (equivelent of chapter 7 bankruptcy)

one theme being any effort to support employees takes payement away from another benneficiary, wehteher it be creditors(and thus marcoeconmic productivity, confidence in investement), directors of the company, shareholders of the company, government funds/taxpayers(under the WEPP act especially)

please use some of the ideas and cite the papers I have included

as well as ~25 other acadmeic articles/cases (canadain ones can be found on the website canlii)

citations: based on Mcgill guide, footnotes at each source can use supra and ibid with a bibliography at the end

please provide an outline with the hedings you plan to use once you get an idea.

Again I stress the focus of this must be on restructing not full bankrupt company winding down

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