Describe barriers to care evidenced by data analysis.

This worksheet is based on McKenzie & Pinger’s six-step model described in An Introduction to Community & Public Health. The six steps are described in the following list. The tasks in the “Community Needs Assessment Worksheet” accomplish the first four steps.
Step 1: Determine purpose and focus of needs assessment
Task: Describe the problem prompting this assessment.
Step 2: Gather data
Task: Research data to complete a market segmentation.
Step 3: Analyze data
Task: Analyze market segmentation findings to determine community needs.
Step 4: Identify the factors linked to the health problem
Task: Describe barriers to care evidenced by data analysis.
Step 5: Identify the program focus
This will be accomplished in the “Process Innovation Strategy Worksheet.”
Step 6: Validate the prioritized need
This will be accomplished in the “Stakeholder Communication Worksheet.”
The chart provided will guide your research and analysis process. Begin by examining and using the resource to complete as much of the chart as possible.

Research other sources as necessary to complete the assignment. Please note, minor calculations of data will be required to complete the table.
• Perform an internet search for the Chinle Census Reporter. Within the site, use the search field to research health insurance, employment, telephone, vehicles, and additional categories if needed.

I have already started the worksheet- Just need help finishing it.

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