Discuss the major movement of the biblical story, its main character, and its implications for understanding the unity of the biblical books.

METANARRATIVE Worldview Assignment
All students will write an 800-1000
word essay addressing the following topic:

201: The Bible has many human authors
but one divine Author. The study of theology uncovers and articulates the unity
of all the biblical texts taken together.
With this in mind, demonstrate the unified nature of the Bible using a
narrative/story framework and share the implications of this for your life and
vocation. The narrative framework should encapsulate the major
movements/framework of the biblical story, demonstrated through interaction
with the biblical text. Students should consult the development of this in the
online essay “Putting the Bible Together,” and the in-class lectures.

few points of clarification may be helpful:

the major movement of the biblical story, its main character, and its
implications for understanding the unity of the biblical books. (See the story
models – Creation, Fall, Redemption, Restoration etc. that you may use. Look at “Putting the Bible Together” link in
your CANVAS) or click the link below

Putting the Bible Together

on how understanding this story influences how you view your life, calling, and
future intended vocation.

sure to incorporate at least four academic, theological sources (cited
according to chosen citation style – both intext and as a
Bibliography/Reference page). Academic sources would include textbooks and
peer-reviewed articles. Avoid using any blog material. Your Blackwell and
Hatchett textbook CAN count as one of these sources. The Bible does NOT count
as a source.

sure to incorporate at least ten relevant biblical references cited
briefly internally in parentheses, e.g., (John 1: 14, 18). You can quote a few
of these if they are most relevant.

At least half of your essay must focus on explaining
the unity of the biblical books through a narrative framework. The final portion should then seek to
apply that teaching/doctrine to the context of your intended vocation. The
paper should have an introduction, body (where the content of the
paper is developed), and a conclusion and a Bibliography for your
sources (You may use APA, MLA, or Turabian)

Also give careful attention to the following
syntactical, and spelling errors.

articulation of your chosen framework by effectively expressing/unpacking and
applying it, showing awareness of significant features and biblical bases.

clear connection of the biblical/doctrinal material to your intended vocation.

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