What vice might be relevant to the ethical issue at hand?

The action I want you to write about is murder.

Let X stand for an action you think is immoral. It’s a controversial issue, but you think it’s immoral. Connie, Deonte, Susan, and Vivian are discussing the issue. Connie and Deonte agree that doing X is immoral, but they disagree about why it’s immoral.

Connie thinks doing X is immoral because, overall, doing X causes mostly bad consequences. Deonte thinks it’s immoral because it’s a failure of duty. Susan thinks morality is subjective. Vivian is a virtue ethicist.
How might the conversation go? What consequence matters to Connie? What duty matters to Deonte? As an ethical subjectivist, what might Susan say about this? How might Connie and Deonte respond to Susan? Once Vivian joins in, what would she say about codifying ethics? How would she describe virtues and vices of character? What vice might be relevant to the ethical issue at hand?
To be clear, even though we’re calling this assignment “Essay 2,” your task is to write only a dialogue – not an essay – between the four characters above.
Use 1-inch margins, double-spacing, and 12-point font. Write three pages – no more, no less. Don’t cite any sources. Submit this assignment to Canvas and receive a Turnitin score.

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