What characteristics of the image (principles, composition, color, perspective, staging, framing, use of light and dark, use of symbolism, etc.) made it persuasive?

Locate an image you believe is meant to get to get people to feel something or do something. This could be an image you encountered in your own life. It could be a historical image, a photo a friend took, even an icon or emoji.
Who produced the image? Where did you find it (i.e., a magazine, a website)?
Who do you think is the intended audience, and why? Describe the audience in terms of culture, demographics (who they are), and psychographics (how they feel).
What do you think the image creator is trying to get the audience to do or feel? How do you know?

What characteristics of the image (principles, composition, color, perspective, staging, framing, use of light and dark, use of symbolism, etc.) made it persuasive? List at least three characteristics.
Do you believe the image was manipulated (altered) in any way? If so, how and to what end?
Do you think the image is propaganda? Why or why not?
Was it ethical to produce this image? Was it ethical as used in the context where you found it? Why or why not?
Your paper should be formatted as follows:
in APA style
in Calibri 11-point font (or equivalent)
Use at least three sources (course readings or outside research), with citations and references formatted in APA style.
Also cite the image you found in APA style.

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