Write a paragraph describing how you will engage, explore, elaborate, and explain static electricity within the groups during the investigation.

Case Study 1
When it was time to go outdoors, 3-year-old Casandra said she didn’t want to play and headed for her locker. At the teacher’s gentle insistence, Casandra reluctantly joined the other children on the playground. Tears rolled down her cheeks when the teacher boosted Casandra onto a swing seat and began to push her. The teacher stopped the swing and helped Casandra off. She held her closely for a few minutes and then asked why she was crying. Casandra initially denied that anything was wrong. However, when the teacher persisted, said she “had fallen the night before and hurt her bottom.”
The teacher took Casandra inside and asked to see where she had been hurt. When Casandra pulled down her shorts, the teacher noted what appeared to be a large burn with blisters approximately 2 inches in length by 1 inch in width on her left buttock. Several small bruises were also evident along one side of the burn. Again, the teacher quietly asked Casandra how she had been hurt, and once again she replied that she “had fallen.”
1 What actions should Casandra’s teacher take?
2 Would you recommend that the teacher report the incident right away or wait until she gathered more evidence? Why?
3 Would your feelings and responses be different if this was a first-time versus a repeated occurrence?

Case 2

Chapter 10: Overview of Primary Science: Life Science, and Physical Science
Chapter 10 Scenario: School-age Static Electricity A
Objective: To create a static electricity investigation and to evaluate your investigation.
Scenario: You are a third-grade science teacher. Your students have been fascinated with how their hair sticks straight up when they take off their winter caps, so you decide to introduce static electricity in an upcoming project. You plan to create an investigation in which groups of three to four students test two to three different materials to determine which pair of items creates the most static electricity.

Your students have also shown an interest in independently managing their group projects, so you ask each group to assign roles to their members (e.g., materials organizer).
Focus Assignment:
1 Design a small group-based investigation in which your students will test two to three different materials to determine which pair of items creates the most static electricity. Identify the materials you will provide for the investigation, describe the steps students will take to create static electricity and provide a list of possible roles for each group member. Write a paragraph describing how you will engage, explore, elaborate, and explain static electricity within the groups during the investigation. Write another paragraph explaining your expectations for the outcome of the investigation and the group assignments, as well as your evaluation methodology.
FYI: Please use your “TeachSource Digital Downloads as a guide on how to complete this assignment. PLEASE DO NOT COPY THE EXAMPLE FROM THE BOOK , YOU WILL RECEIVE A ZERO IF YOU DO!!!

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