Write a research report addressing prospective process improvements through the efficient use of information technology.

Task Instructions Document process activity using BPMN. After gaining an understanding of Mr. Z’s business processes, you will document current processes using business process modeling notation (BPMN). This involves documenting at least five current business processes (for examples: Online sales, Instore sales, Purchases, Promotions, Accounting). These diagrams will serve multiple purposes.

Mr. Z expects to use them to train new employees. Plus, they will provide information about potential improvements to those processes by the efficient use of information technology. Additionally, they will also highlight areas where Mr. Z is exposed to unnecessary risks in his business.
Use draw.io complete this assignment and export it to pdf file.
Use this https://youtu.be/BwkNceoybvA?si=b2YfkI9WOZQzy-5J to help this assignment
Images File I provided is the example of how the BPMN diagram look

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