Identify a specific setting (i.e., elementary, middle school, high school, college, adult, or business/industrial settings).

**Only step 3 of the instructions needs to be completed! I have attached the answer for step 1 for reference. I attached the annotated bibliography for this assignment for reference.

This assignment will give you the opportunity to create and understand the importance of career intervention programs.
Career counseling intervention programs play a crucial role in guiding individuals towards making informed and
meaningful career choices. These programs provide individuals with the necessary tools and resources to assess their
skills, interests, and values, and help them align their career aspirations accordingly. Through various assessment
techniques, such as psychometric tests, vocational interest inventories, and personal interviews, these programs enable
individuals to develop a deep understanding of their personal traits, strengths, and weaknesses.

1. Design a Career Intervention Program:
 Select a target group (e.g., physically challenged individuals, culturally different individuals, re-entry
women, laid-off workers, mid-life changers, etc.)
 Identify a specific setting (i.e., elementary, middle school, high school, college, adult, or business/industrial

2. Based on your selected group and setting, conduct an annotated bibliography that summarizes, assesses, and
reflects on at least 8 resources that you are considering to use to support your career intervention Program.

************************************Instructions for PP start here******************************
3. Create a PowerPoint (PPT) presentation (12 to 18 slides) that both showcases your Career Intervention Program and
brings to light issues and research related to designing this program. Please note the content of your program should
hit specific standards as noted below.
Your full presentation should include the following:
a. Include a description of your rationale for choosing this target population and unique needs of career
development (this requires a review of the literature),

b. Identify the goals and objectives and how they address National Career Development Guide (NCDG),

c. Include a description of the delivery mechanisms or intervention model/methods,

d. Present the content of the program and be sure to address the following standards as they will be measured
directly in your rubric:
-Discuss the approaches for assessing the conditions of the work environment on clients’ life

-Identify your methods of identifying and using assessment tools and techniques relevant to career
planning and decision making.

– Describe your approaches for conceptualizing the interrelationships among and between work, mental
well-being, relationships, and other life roles and factors.

– Identify strategies for career development program planning, organization, implementation,
administration, and evaluation.
 Identify approaches for conceptualizing the interrelationships among and between work, mental well
being, relationships and other life roles and factors.

e. Describe how you will promote and implement the program,

Include a list of resources needed for the program,

g. Explain how you will conduct an evaluation of your program’s effectiveness, be sure to include evaluation
criteria, strengths, and limitations.

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