Explain data related to a crime and identify factors that increase the likelihood of being a victim of that crime.

In this assignment, you will use prior knowledge to explain data related to a crime and identify factors that increase the likelihood of being a victim of that crime.
In Module Two, you analyzed how people, businesses, and corporations become victims. You focused on the differences between types of victims, and explored risk factors that increase the likelihood of victimization. You will now apply this knowledge to victims of specific crimes: rape and sexual assault, cybercrime, or human trafficking. This application of knowledge will help you prepare for the submission of Project Two in Module Seven.
First, review the Project Two Guidelines and Rubric document.
Next, choose one of the following crimes, which will be your focus in both this assignment and Project Two, and review the data for that crime:

Rape and sexual assault data (Click Full Report under the Criminal Victimization, year)
Cybercrime data (Click IC3 Annual Report for last year)
Human trafficking data
Then, in 100 to 150 words, explain the data and provide any background information regarding the crime.
Last, in 250 to 350 words, identify risk factors that increase the likelihood of being a victim of the crime you selected.
Specifically, the following rubric criteria must be addressed:
Explain the data you analyzed.
Identify risk factors that increase the likelihood of being a victim of the crime you selected.
What to Submit
This assignment should be 350 to 500 words in length. Any references must be cited in APA style. See the Shapiro Library APA Style Guide for more information on citations.

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