Define the parameters of the current situation in a measurable manner, so that when you influence change, you can effectively measure the desirable results and even make long-range projections.

Step 1 – Situation:,rapid%20diagnosis%20and%20effective%20treatment.

1. Kindly
refer above link as the situation: Describe the situation in
your professional career as a health care provider. Describe the context,
signs, symptoms, and undesirable outcomes that indicate this.
2. Desired
Outcome: Describe your desired outcome and keep it simple. For example, if
you know of a village where people will not go for medical attention because
they believe the local clinic is understaffed. The desired outcome is for
people to get the medical attention they need. It is not that the local clinic
needs more doctors because you do not know that yet.
3. Players: Identify
who is involved, how they are involved, and who the possible stakeholders could
be. Who will be influenced by change?
4. Parameters: Define
the parameters of the current situation in a measurable manner, so that when
you influence change, you can effectively measure the desirable results and
even make long-range projections.
Step 2– Change management Tool
Use a Change Management Framework: ADKAR to address the challenges of
the above situation.
Awareness of the need for change
Desire to participate and support the change
Knowledge of how to change
Ability to implement desired skills and behaviors
Reinforcement to sustain the change
Briefly explain the chosen organization, its challenges, the possible
solutions, the change tools you applied and the suggested change strategy and

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