Write a research paper on the judicial philosophy of the judge who wrote the majority decision.

4) Case Analysis: Students will select, in consultation with the professor, a specific and different criminal procedure case discussed in class or mentioned in the textbook. Students will then prepare a detailed case analysis, including in this analysis the following components: (a) the key facts of the case; (b) the legal issue(s) under consideration; (c) the decision, or holding, of the court on the issue (s); (d) the rationale of the majority decision along with any related principles, guidelines or rules created by the majority; (e) the perspective of the dissent (if any); (f) the judicial philosophy of the judge who wrote the majority opinion; (g) any criminological, sociological, historical, political, economic, or cultural trends or events at the time of the case that may have influenced the judge’s decision.

(h) student opinions related to the decision; and (i) related issues raised by the professor and other students during the oral presentation of the case. This analysis should be four (4) pages (double-spaced) in length. This analysis should include at least three (3) sources in addition to the judicial case under analysis. These sources should, at a minimum, address matters of judicial philosophy and criminological, social, ethical, philosophical, political, and/ or historical trends and events affecting the legal decision.

Paper Format: Needs to be in ALWD format

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