Write a research paper about the developmental tasks of middle adulthood.

Write a research paper about the developmental tasks of middle adulthood.
Lifespan Development Presentations-
Below is a list of lifespan development theories and research that impact many people in our society. Please select a topic from a lifespan stage and create a PowerPoint presentation:
Stage 1: Early Adulthood (THE WORLD IS YOUR OYSTER) –
Possible approaches: beyond high school/college life, commitment issues, dating, social pressures, mental illness, substance use & abuse, defining morality, intimate partner violence.
Stage 2: Adulthood (STORM & STRESS)
Possible approaches: family conflict, parenting , parenting styles, marriage, divorce, moving, socioeconomic, Single parent, employment, adoption, child care, super babies, maternal substance abuse, cultural differences, media, child consumers.

Stage 3: Middle Adulthood (MID-LIFE CRISIS)
Possible approaches: infertility, income and health, job satisfaction, career changes, mid-life crisis, empty nesters, family bonds, caretaking, divorce.
Stage 4: Late Adulthood: (THE GOLDEN YEARS)
Possible approaches: retirement, depression, dementia/Alzheimer, the aging brain, elder abuse, nursing homes, vitality and health.
Stage 5: Death and Dying-
Possible approaches: grief, hospice, life insurance, pre funeral arrangements and health.
Questions to include :
Who does this impact? -30points
How does it impact society? -20points
What does statistics show? -30points
Resources / References 20points
Presentation Rubric:
Visual Aids
Flow of Presentation

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