Examine Ree’s relationship to Teardrop. What would you say is its main characteristic?

Here is 3 different topic’s you can choose from(Whatever you like best)- Book to use: Winter’s Bone by Daniel Woodrell

Choose one topic below and write a 5 page essay in response to it. Remember to use all of the tools for writing a strong essay that you’ve learned over the curse of the term. Even though this essay is longer than usual, remember to keep your topic focused and your thesis precise:

1. Examine Ree’s relationship to Teardrop. What would you say is its main characteristic? How is that characteristic influenced by such things as Teardrop’s addiction, the male code, the code of silence, and/or Ree’s persistence in searching for Jessup? (You don’t have to discuss all of these things, but you should look into some of them, and possibly others that stand out to you).

2. Early on in the text we learn of the Fist of Gods. Merab and her sisters use fists (and feet) to beat Ree soundly. Then Ree finally gains her goal when she gets Jessup’s hands. Examine the significance of hands throughout this text. Think about all of their possible meanings/uses/symbolisms in the text before you make one focused argument about what hands symbolize in this world.

3. What is the ultimate boon Ree gains and why?

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