Choose one type of biological molecule from the following options: proteins, DNA, RNA, or carbohydrates.

Choose one type of biological molecule from the following options: proteins, DNA, RNA, or carbohydrates.
Visual Component: Incorporate an image or diagram of the chosen biological polymer to aid in illustrating your question and answer. This can be a hand-drawn sketch or a digitally created image.
Imagine yourself as a researcher investigating a newly discovered organism or chemical substance found in a product such as a cereal brand (e.g. high fructose corn syrup). Your team has extracted a sample from this organism or substance and conducted various biochemical analyses.
Based on the scenario provided, create a test question that pertains to the chosen biological molecule. Your question should focus on understanding the general structure of the polymer and its relationship to functionality and versatility within living organisms.
Ensure that your question requires critical thinking and application of organic chemistry principles to address a real-world situation.
Provide in-text citations in APA format for any references used to support your question and answer.
Compile an APA-formatted bibliography listing all references cited.
Example – note that the image used does not have to be drawn or generated by yourself (although that is a great thing to do) – as long as it is properly cited. Also note that the image provides great insight into the chemical structure of proteins – making this a level 4 answer.

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