Describe two types of exercises your selected community, region, or political subdivision should include in its preparedness efforts.

The Assignment: 8–10 slides, not including title slide and reference slide(s)

Create a narrated video PowerPoint presentation that includes the following:

Title slide (i.e., title of your presentation, your name, final Week 5 Module Assessment submission date, and course number and title)
Introduction slide (i.e., a summary of what you are about to discuss and the purpose of the PowerPoint).
Training slide(s)
Describe two types of training your selected community, region, or political subdivision should include in its preparedness efforts. Your description should explain the strengths and limitations of each training type.
Propose the best training option and explain why you think it is the best option to meet the preparedness need(s) of your select community, region, or political subdivision.
Exercises slide(s)
Describe two types of exercises your selected community, region, or political subdivision should include in its preparedness efforts. Your description should explain the strengths and limitations of each exercise type.
Propose the best exercise option and explain why you think it is the best option to meet the preparedness need(s) of your selected community, region, or political subdivision.
Summary slide (i.e., provide highlights of what you discussed about training and exercises and what you want your reader to remember)

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