Compare and contrast independence movements in Mexico, Peru, and Brazil.

Written Assignment(s) Criteria
Instructions for Individual research/reading analysis papers must be typed,
1” borders all around, double spaced, 12 point font, Times New Roman,
include references, conform to copyright laws, and consequently follow
the American Psychological Association (APA) 5th or 6th edition format.
The research paper must contain a minimum of (5) cited references; with
no more than one (1) website citation.
Content pages (must exclude title page and reference page, as well as 5
pages containing the body of your work. To be clear: a paper must contain
a title page and a reference page. Plus, the body of your work must contain
5 pages. = 7 pages in total. One quick reminder: Please add citations
throughout the body of your work.

If you have any concerns about the organization of your research paper
contact Student Services for format and grammatical review and guidance,
prior to the due date on this syllabus. Each student is responsible for
adhering to timelines necessary for review, correction, and final
submission on week fourteen. Acceptance of late research papers are at
the discretion of the professor. Any paper submitted/accepted late will
automatically lose at least one letter grade.

Here are the two Questions. Choose one for your essay.
!.) What effects did Colonialism have on Latin America concerning politics, economics, gender, and society ?
2.) Compare and contrast independence movements in Mexico, Peru, and Brazil. What were the consequences and the differences between them ?

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