What did the Argentinian government say about the Chinese fishing?

The paper is for a doctorate course: Business and political framework in Latin America.
I have chose to do a paper on the Chinese fishing activities in Argentinian waters. Look for information, data, sources etc to check if the Chinese are fishing illegally and without control? Is this true or is it a rumour? For example, if the media says the Chinese are fishing illegally, then we do research to prove or disprove this news from the media. We need the sources to support it. Or if the government of China or Argentina has an opinion , what are their respective opinions to this and need sources to support it. Is there diplomatic issues between the countries ? Also look into what are the companies involved. Also look into what the Chinese government’s rule say on this activity. Are the Chinese allowing them to fish illegally? Are there law against it? If yes, how so. Must provide information, data etc to back these up. What did the Argentinian government say about the Chinese fishing? When doing research for this task, please also include and research on the relating law in this area. For example, if there is a fisheries law that provide for this situation, our prof also requires that we cover 3 steps when discussing such law: (1) what were the discussion on the policy/law before the said policy becomes law. Discussions may be from the government, media, social network etc. (2) when it becomes law, how does the law function in reality. What did the government on this, what are the steps taken by the government. Are there social, environment, economic impact etc? (3) implementation of the law. How is the policy controlled by the political opposition and judiciary power. For example, were they being sued and why and what did the judges say. Chinese Fishing activities in Argentinian water. I like to do a paper on the Chinese fishing in Argentinian waters. Look for information, data, sources etc to check if the Chinese are fishing illegally and without control? Is this true or is it a rumour? For example, if the media says the Chinese are fishing illegally, then we do research to prove or disprove this news from the media. We need the sources to support it. Or if the government of China or Argentina has an opinion , what are their respective opinions to this and need sources to support it. Is there diplomatic issues between the countries ?

Also look into what are the companies involved. Also look into what the Chinese government’s rule say on this activity. Are the Chinese allowing them to fish illegally? Are there law against it? If yes, how so. Must provide information, data etc to back these up. What did the Argentinian government say about the Chinese fishing? === The instruction for the paper is: 2. You must use the material from the program and the lectures. 3. It must be an investigation. That is to say, it must start with a question, and from there they must look for data and information to answer it. 4. It should be between 10 and 15 pages long plus cited bibliography. == And if the expert has any more questions to look into with respect of Chinese fishing in Argentinian water, please do so.

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